
2 c All-purpose flour

1 tb Ground ginger

2 ts Baking soda

1 1/2 ts Ground cinnamon

1/2 ts Ground cloves

1/2 ts Salt

3/4 c White vegetable shortening

1 c Sugar

1 Egg

1/4 c Molasses

Sugar for rolling Preheat oven to 350F. Into a medium bowl, sift together flour, ginger, baking soda, cinnamon, cloves, and salt. In a large bowl with electric mixer, beat shortening until soft, 1 minute. Gradually add sugar and continue beating until mixture is light and fluffy. Beat in egg and molasses until well-blended. Stir in flour mixture until completely mixed. Place a little sugar in a medium bowl. Scoop out heaping teaspoonfuls of mixture. Using your palms, roll into 3/4-inch balls and drop into the sugar. Roll to cover the surgace completely; then place balls 2 inches apart on ungreased baking sheets. Bake until cookies are slightly rounded and tops appear lightly browned and crackles. Remove baking sheets to wire racks to cool slightly. The, using a metal pancake turner or palette knife, remove cookies to wire racks to cool completely. Repeat with remaining cookie dough and sugar. Store in airtight containers. Source: “The Complete Cookie Book” by Elizabeth Wolf Cohen Notes: The cookies have 70.4 calores (42.7% from fat) and 3.4g fat each. They were delicious and easy to make. The Chef’s Comments: “Yesterday i took a cookie recipe that I wanted to try, and I made exactly according to the recipe (it was great!) and then I made another batch, using the Prune Butter technique. For cookies, the book suggests replacing all of the fat with Prune Butter, and removing as much sugar as 1/2 to 2/3 the amount of Prune Butter used, to keep sweetness consistent witht he original recipe. The low-fat recipe was a difficult texture to work with, and they didn’t spread out nicely when cooking. They remained little clumps. But they did taste very good. I have a hard time telling the difference between the two, believe it or not. Who would have thought substituting prunes for crisco was a wise choice??” – Lisa From: Lisa Date: 09-08-96 (12:38) The Polka Dot Cottage, a BBS with a taste of home. 1-973-822-3627

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