
5 Egg Yolks

3/4 C Sugar

1 Env Gelatin

1/4 C Water

1/2 C Cognac — divided

1 C Heavy Cream

1 10″ Graham Cracker Crust — baked and cooled

2 Tbsp Shaved Chocolate For Garnish — <OR>

Whipped Cream For Garnish

Beat egg youlks until thick and lemon colored. Gradually beat in sugar. Soften the gelatin in the water and add 1/4 cup cognac. Heat over boiling water until gelatin dissolves. Pour the gelatin mixture into the yolks, stirring briskly. Stir in remaining 1/4 c cognac. Chill until this mixture will mound slightly, and the fold in the whipped cream. Pour the filling tnto the shell and chill. Before serving, garnish with shaved chocolate or whipping cream.

Source: “Mountain Measures” — Junior League of Charleston, WV ed. 1974


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