
3/4 c Cake flour

1 t Baking powder

1/4 ts Salt

1 tb Shortening

1/2 c Sugar

1 Egg

1 1/2 c Coconut

1/4 c Evaporated milk

1/2 ts Vanilla

1/2 c Tart jelly

Sift flour, measure, and sift three times with baking powder and salt. Cream shortening. Add sugar gradually and cream until light and fluffy. Add egg and beat until light. Add 1/2 cup coconut. Add dry ingredients alternately with milk. Beat after each addition until smooth. Add flavoring. Pour into well-oiled muffin tins. Bake in moderate oven (375 F) 20-25 minutes. Beat jelly with a fork until of

spreading consistency. When cakes are cool, spread top and sides with jelly. Roll in 1 cup coconut. 8 servings. The Household Searchlight

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