
1/2 lb Sugar

3/4 tb Salt

1 c Shortening

2 tb Shortening

5 Eggs

3 c Milk

1 1/2 oz Yeast

6 tb Water

3 lb Flour

1/4 ts Vanilla

Mix together sugar, salt, and shortening. Add eggs, milk and yeast dissolved in water. Blend. Add flour and vanilla and mix approximately 4 mins. or until a smooth dough is formed. Let rise for approximately 2 hours. Punch and let rest 20 mins. Divide dough into pieces of 1 1/4 lb. each. Round up and let rest 10 mins. Roll out each piece into a rectangular sheet 1/4 inch thick and 12 inches wide. Brush with melted

butter and sprinkle generously with cinnamon-sugar-nut mix Raisins may be added if desired. Roll as for jelly roll and seal. Cut into pieces 1 inch wide. Place cut surface down on greased baking sheets 1/2 inch apart. Let rise until pieces are double in size. Bake at 400 degrees approximately 15 mins. Ice while warm. Makes 6-7 dozen. Cinnamon Sugar Mix 2 1/4 cups sugar 2 tbsp cinnamon 1 tbsp shortening Blend all ingredients together well. ICING Mix together over low heat: 2 cups sifted powdered sugar, 3 tblsps. margarine, a little warm milk to achieve icing consistency and 1 tsp. maple flavoring. Ice and sprinkle ground nuts on top. —–

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