
Cake: 7 lg Eggs; separated

1/2 ts Kosher salt

1 c Sugar

1/3 c Vegetable oil

1/4 c Frozen orange juice

-concentrate =thawed 3 tb Orange peel; grated

1/4 ts Fresh lemon juice

3/4 c Matzo cake meal

5 tb Potato starch

Glaze: 3/4 c Unsalted pareve margarine

1 1/2 lb Bittersweet; or semi-sweet

Chocolate; not unsweetened 1 c Frozen orange juice

Concentrate; thawed 3 tb Honey

Garnish: Nonpoinonous flowers; option Orange peel strips Recipe by: Bon Appetit April/93 CAKE: Position rack in center of oven. Preheat to 350 degrees F. Line bottom of 10″ springform pan with foil; brush foil with oil. Cut cardboard into 9″ round and cover with foil. Using electric mixer, beat egg whites and salt in a large bowl until soft peaks form. Gradually add 1/2 c sugar and beat until stiff glossy peaks form. In another large bowl, beat egg yolks, remaining 1/2 c sugar, vegetable oil, orange juice concentrate, orange peel and lemon juice until blended. Sift cake meal and potato starch over yolk mixture and beat at low speed just until blended. Gently fold whites into mixture in two additions. GLAZE: Melt margarine in a heavy large saucepan over low heat. Add chocolate and stir until melted and smooth, Mix in orange juice concentrate and honey. Let cool until thickened but still spreadable; about two hours. ASSEMBLY: Cut around pan sides to loosen cake. Release sides. Cut cake in half horizontally, leaving cake bottom on pan bottom. Place top half of cake, top side down on foil-wrapped cardboard round. Spread 1 1/2 cup chocolate glaze in thin layer over entire cake, anchoring crumbs. Refrigerate cake 30 minutes. Rewarm remaining chocolate glaze over low heat until just pourable. Place rack on baking sheet; place cake on rack. Pour graze over cake coating entirely and smoothing sides with metal spatula. Chill cake on rack until glaze is firm. Transfer to platter. (Remove glaze on sheet for another use.) (Can be made 3 days ahead. Cover and chill. Let stand at room temperature 1 hour before serving>) GARNISH: Cake with flowers and orange peel strips if desired. —–

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