
—————————WHOLE FAMILY COOKBOOK————————— 2 lb Red potatoes ;small

1/3 lb Bacon ;diced

1 c Yellow onion ;peeled, thinly

– sliced 4 Scallions ;chopped

1/4 c Mayonaise

1/2 ts Dry mustard (Coleman’s)

1 tb White wine vinegar

1/2 c Olive oil

Salt Black pepper ;feshly ground 2 Eggs ;hard boiled

Wash the potatoes and drain. Using a paring knife, trim a band of the peel about 1/2 inch wide (depending on the size of the potatoes) around the circumference of each potato. This will form an attractive “belt”. Boil the trimmed potatoes gently in ample, lightly salted water until just tender. The potatoes are done as soon as they pierce easily with a sharp knife. Carefully drain, spread on a tray, and allow to cool. Cook the bacon in a medium sized frying pan until almost crip. Add the onion and cook until limp. Drain off any excess fat. Place the cooled potatoes in a bolw along with the cooked bacon and onion, and the scallions. In another bowl, blend together the mayonnaise, dry mustard, vinegar, oil and salt and pepper to taste add to the bowl of potatoes and toss together. Fold in the hard-boiled eggs. Cover and refrigerate. Serves 4 to 6.

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