
1/4 lb Apollo strudel leaves(cut in

-1/2) 8 c Milk

2 c Sugar

1 1/2 c Farina

6 To 7 eggs

1 C.sweet butter(melted)

Galatorboureko vanilla flavoring or grated orange rind Heat milk.Beat eggs well in a bowl.Add farina,sugar,vanilla & pinch of salt.Pour 2 cupps of h ot milk little by little to mixture.Pour all the above into saucepan with the hot milk, stirring constantly until thick.In a buttered 9×13 in.pan lay half the number of leaves, buttering each as it is stacked.Spread the above mixture over all.Add the balance of the fillo,buttering each as it is added.Score with sh arp knife to desired size and shape.Bake in 375 deg.oven for 45 min.or until golden brown.While it is baking,prepare the syrup so it can be poured on as soon as pie is removed from oven.Allow pie to absorb syrup a little at a time.Let cool and cut before serving. SYRUP 1 lb. Sugar(3 cups) 3 cups of water

Bring the ingredients to a boil and keep boiling for 20 minutes. Have fun with this one! Dianne

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