
2 lb Minced pork

1 T Fat

1 ea Onion

1 t Salt

1/4 t Pepper

1/8 t Cloves

1/2 t Cinnamon

1/2 t Nutmeg

3 pt Water

1/2 c Browned flour

Mix the seasonings with the meat in a large bowl, add the onion, browned in the fat. Work the mixture with the hands to make sure the seasonings are well distributed .Look over your stock of spices and use your imagination.remember that no one spice should predominate. Shape the meat into 1 1/2 inch balls and flour them lightly. Drop them into 3 pints of boiling water and cook slowly for 1 1/2 hours. At the end of this time thicken the stock with 1/2 cup of browned flour. Browned flour may be added directly to stock without being mixed to a paste if the stock is boiling there will be no lumps. The stock will jell when cool and your ragout de boulettes will keep for some time.

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