
3 x Condensed chicken broth

-10 3/4 -ounce broth 3 oz Oriental noodles

-chicken flavored, broken up 1/2 t Pepper, red, ground

3 c Chicken, cooked, cubed,

-frozen chicken cubes 2 x Apples, medium, cored

-and coarsely chopped 6 oz Pea pods, frozen, cut up

4 x Green onions, bias-sliced

-into 1 1/2-inch length In a large saucepan or Dutch oven stir together chicken broth, noodles and flavoring packet, red pepper, and 3 soup cans (3 3/4 cups) water. Bring to boiling; reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in remaining ingredients. Return to boiling. Serve at once.

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