
1 lb Sauerkraut

6 c Beef stock

2 lg Onions; chopped

3 sl Bacon

1 ts Paprika

1 tb Tomato paste

1/2 ts Caraway seeds

Salt 2 Potatoes; peeled

– grated and soaked 1/4 lb Lean, diced ham

2 Beef frankfurters; sliced

SIMMER SAUERKRAUT WITH 3 CUPS of stock for 30 minutes. Saute onions with bacon until golden. Add paprika, remaining stock, tomato paste, caraway seeds and salt to taste. Add sauerkraut, stock and drained potatoes, and simmer for 30 minutes. Add more stock if necessary to make 6 cups. Add the meats and cook long enough to heat through (about 10 minutes).

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