
Van Geffen VGHC42A 3 tablespoons Butter

1 small Clove Garlic — Crushed

1 medium Onion — Chopped

1/4 cup Water

3 tablespoons Flour

1 can Concentrated Chicken Broth — 10-3/4oz or

3 cups Strong Homemade Stock

1 cup Water (Omit if using home- — made stock)

1/8 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper

1 can Artichoke Hearts — 14oz

2 16oz Jars Ooysters — Divided

1/2 teaspoon Fresh Marjoram — Chopped Fine

1/4 teaspoon Dried Marjoram

1 tablespoon Chopped Parsley

In a heavy saucepan melt butter. Add garlic, onion and water; cover and “sweat” over medium heat until soft. Stir in flour, mix well and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Add stock and water (or homemade stock) and cayenne pepper, stirring until mixture has thickened. Drain artichoke hearts and blanch for 2 minutes in boiling water. Refresh in cold water and drain. Remove leaves from bottoms. Chop bottoms in medium-size pieces and set aside; add leaves to stock. Chop half of the oysters and add to stock. Slice remaining oysters in large pieces and set aside. Cook soup about 2 minutes, remove from heat, and puree in blender or food processor. Return to heat. Add reserved oysters and artichoke pieces, marjoram, and parsley. Heat oysters about 2 minutes or just until done. Taste to correct seasoning. (Is using canned broth, the soup should need no salt.) Versailles Restaurant, New Orleans. Source: Gulf Coast Cooking.

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