
1 1/2 cup chicken stock

1/2 cup dry white wine

2 tablespoons unsalted butter

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

5 1/2 cups fresh corn (cut from about 3 ears)

3/4 cups heavy cream

1 tablespoon peanut oil

1 pound black mussels — scrubbed well and

— beards pulled off 1 red bell pepper — cut into 1/4-inch

— dice 1/4 cup freshly chopped flat leaf parsley

In a saucepan bring stock to a boil and add wine. Reduce heat to low and keep liquid warm.

In a 2 quart heavy saucepan melt butter over moderately low heat and whisk in flour. Cook roux, whisking, 3 minutes and add 1 cup stock mixture, whisking vigorously until thick and smooth. Add remaining stock mixture and bring to a boil, whisking. Simmer mixture, uncovered, until reduced to 1 1/2 cups, about 5 minutes.

Add 3/4 cup of corn and simmer mixture 4 minutes. Force mixture through a food mill (don’t be tempted to use a food processor) fitted with the medium disk set over a bowl and stir in cream and salt and pepper to taste. Keep corn chowder warm.

In a large wok heat oil over high heat until it begins to smoke and stir-fry mussels and bell pepper until coated well with oil, about 30 seconds. Cover wok and steam mussels until they begin to open, about 3 minutes. Stir in corn chowder and simmer, covered, until more mussels open, about 2 minutes. Stir in remaining 3/4 cup of corn and salt and pepper to taste. (Do not cook mussels until all are opened, because already-opened mussels will overcook. Instead, discard any unopened ones.) Ladle chowder into bowls and sprinkle with parsley.

Serve chowder with bread.

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