
1 live Maine lobster (21 lb)

4 strips bacon — fine dice

1/2 medium onion — fine dice

1/4 medium green pepper — fine dice

1/4 medium red pepper — fine dice

1/4 medium yellow pepper — fine dice

1/4 small jalapeno pepper — fine dice

1/2 stalk celery — fine dice

1/2 medium carrot — fine dice

1/2 cup diced green chilies — canned

1/4 pound unsalted butter

1/2 cup all purpose flour

6 cups lobster stock

1 tablespoon tomato paste

1 cup corn — cut off the cob

1 cup cream style corn

1 small smoked hamhock

2 medium baking potatoes — peeled and cut into

— chunks 1 bunch cilantro — fine chop

2 stalks green onions — fine bias cut

2 cups heavy whipping cream

1 teaspoon Lenard’s southwestern seasoning blend

1/2 lemon juice

Salt and ground black pepper — to taste

Steam lobster 17 minutes, let cool and remove from shell. Save shells to make lobster stock if desired. Saute bacon until crispy in sauce or small stock pot . Add: onions; green, red, yellow and jalapeno peppers; celery and carrots, c ook until soft. Add: tomato paste and green chilies. Add: lobster base, if t hat is your choice over stock. Cook 3 mintues stirring constantly over medium heat. Add: 1/2 of the unsalted butter and cook until melted. Add: flour and c ook 3 more minutes. Roast corn kernals in an oven on a baking sheet or other f lat pan until slightly browned and add to chowder. Add: cream style corn; sout hwestern seasoning and smoked hamhocks. Add: stock or water, if using base. C ook for 1/2 hour keeping at a slow boil, stirring constantly. Add: potatoes an d cook for another 15 minutes. If too thick add more stock or water to desired consistency. Add: green onions; cilantro and lemon juice. Slowly Whisk in cr eam and the remaining butter until melted. ! ! Season with salt and black pepper to taste. Serves 12 people.

The Phoenician

busted by sooz

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