
1 Sm. onion, chopped (1/4 cup)

1 t Curry powder

1/4 c Water

3 c Milk

1 c Flaked coconut

2 Whole cloves

1/2 ts Salt

2 Beaten egg yolks

Toasted coconut (optional)

In 2-quart saucepan cook onion and curry powder in water till onion is tender. Stir in milk, coconut, cloves, and salt. Simmer, covered, for 15 minutes. Strain mixture through a sieve.Stir about 1 cup of the hot milk mixture into the egg yolks. Return to remaining milk mixture in saucepan. Cook and stir about 2 minutes or till mixture thickens slightly. Remove from heat; cover and chill. Garnish each serving with toasted coconut if desired. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Recipe from: Better Homes and Gardens, Soups & Stews Cookbook copyright 1978 by Meredith Corporation, Des Moines, Iowa

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