
3 Quail

1 tb Butter, unsalted

1 tb Lard

2 Carrots — sliced

1 sm Onions — sliced

1 c Peas — shelled

4 Mushroom caps — sliced

– Boletus if possible 2 tb Flour, all-purpose

1 t Parlsey, flat — chopped

1 pn Salt

6 c Stock, meat

1/4 c Sour cream

Clean quail and cut into serving pieces. Melt butter and lart in soup pot. Brown quail very rapidly for a few minutes; then add vegetables, mushrooms and 1/2 cup water. Cook slowly, uncovered, until water almost disappears. By this time, quail should be quite done. Add flour, parsley and salt; stir well. Add meat stock; bring to a boil. Cook over very low heat for a few more minutes. Just before serving, mix in the sour cream. Serve liver dumplings or marrow dumpling in the soup. MM and upload by DonW1948@aol.com / CH

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