
———————————–DOUGH———————————– 1 pk Active dry yeast

1 c Warm water

2 ts Rose water

3 1/2 c Plain flour

1 ts Salt

1/2 ts Ground cardamom

1/4 c Melted, cooled ghee or oil

——————————-LENTIL FILLING——————————- 1 c Brown lentils

3 c Cold water

2 lg Onions; finely chopped

Salt 2 tb Brown sugar

———————————TO FINISH——————————— Oil; for deep frying For Dough: Dissolve yeast in 1/4 cup warm water; add remaining water and rose water. Sift together flour, salt and cardamom in a bowl. Measure and set aside 1/2 cup of flour mixture. Add yeast liquid to flour in bowl, mixing until a soft dough forms. Work in ghee or oil with reserved flour, kneading until dough is smooth (about 10 minutes). Cover bowl and leave in a warm place to rise, 45-60 minutes, or until doubled in size. While dough is rising, wash lentils and place in a pan with cold water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer until water is absorbed and lentils are tender, about 1 to 1-1/4 hours. Mash cooked lentils with a fork. In a skillet, saute onions in ghee or oil until lightly browned. Mix in mashed lentils and cook mixture another 5 minutes. Add brown sugar, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Cool. On a lightly floured surface, roll out half of dough thinly. Using a biscuit or cookie cutter, cut out 3-inch circles. Place a heaping teaspoon of lentil paste in the center of each circle of dough. Lightly moisten edges with water, fold in half and seal by pressing with the tines of a fork. Deep fry kotahs, 6-8 at a time, about 3 minutes or until golden brown and puffed, turning to cook evenly. Drain on absorbent paper. Serve hot or warm for a snack or as part of a meal.

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