
6 c Peaches;peeled,thin sliced

1 T Lemon juice

6 T Butter

3/4 c Flour

1/3 c Brown sugar

1/3 c Sugar

2/3 c Rolled oats

1 t Cinnamon

1/4 t Nutmeg;freshly grated

1/2 c Waltnuts;chopped coarsely

place peache slices in 8-1/2 inch round or 8 inch square microwave proof dish. Stir in lemon juice and toss lightly. cut butter into flour in medium mixing bowl until mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. Stir in sugars, oats, cinnsmon, nutmeg and waltnuts. Sprinkle over peaches. Microwave on high(100% power) until fruit is tender 12 to 14 minutes rotating dish once. or bake in oven at 350 for 20 minutes

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