
1/3 c All-purpose flour

1 1/4 ts Baking powder

1/8 ts Salt

1 Egg

3/4 c Sugar

1/2 c Peeled, chopped apple

1/2 c Chopped nuts

1 ts Vanilla

1 c Whipping cream; whipped

-OR- Vanilla ice cream Preheat oven to 325 F. Butter 1-quart casserole or souffle dish. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Beat egg and sugar until light and fluffy. Add flour mixture and blend well. Fold in apple, nuts and vanilla. Spoon into prepared dish and bake 30 minutes. Serve pudding warm with whipped cream or ice cream. Source: Marshall Field’s – Chicago, Illinois Favorite Restaurant Recipes – ISBN: 0-89535-100-5 Typed for you by Karen Mintzias

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