
1 tb Unflavoured gelatin

4 tb Unsweetened concentrated

Apple juice, thawed 2 tb Lemon juice

1/4 tb Grated lemon rind

2/3 c Unsweetened pineapple juice

1 c Evaporated skim milk

1. In a bowl combine apple juice and gelatin. Let stand in a

container of hot water until dissolved. 2. Stir in lemon juice, rind, and pineapple juice, and chill until

partially set. 3. Meanwhile, pour the evaporated skim milk into a bowl, and place in

the freezer until crystals form. Once the gelatin mixture is set, beat the evaporated milk until thick and fluffy. Beat the gelatin mixture until light and frothy. Combine the two mixture together, and pour into a mold. Chill until set.

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