
1 1/2 c Superfine sugar

3/4 c Cake flour

1/3 c Cocoa

– preferably Dutch process 2 tb Instant espresso powder

2 c Egg whites

-(1 C equals about 8 large) 1 1/2 ts Cream of tartar

1/4 ts Salt

2 ts Vanilla extract

————————-CAPPUCCINO FLUFF FROSTING————————- 2 lg Egg whites

1/2 tb Superfine sugar

3/4 c Light corn syrup

12 Marshmallows

– each cut into 8 pieces – (use scissors) 2 ts Vanilla extract

2 tb Cocoa

– preferably Dutch process 2 ts Instant espresso powder

1 pn Salt

Angel cake is not only no-cholesterol and no-fat but absolutely delicious with a light, puffy texture. Here, the cappuccino flavor is so deep that it’s hard to believe that it lacks any fat at all. PREHEAT OVEN TO 375F with rack in center of oven. Have an ungreased 10-inch tube pan ready. Divide sugar in half. Sift 1/2 3 times. Set aside. Sift other half with flour, cocoa and espresso powder 3 times. Set aside. Put egg whites in 4-quart grease-free bowl. Beat on low speed with mixer until frothy. Add

cream of tartar and salt. Increase speed to medium. Beat until whites are whipped and hold their shape but are still soft and moist. Add 3/4 cup sifted sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, beating well after each addition, until all sugar is added. Add vanilla. Stop beating when whites have increased in volume about fivefold, hold their shape and are shiny and smooth. Gently but thoroughly fold in flour mixture, by thirds. Transfer to baking pan. Smooth surface with spatula. Cut through batter in 6 places to break any large air pockets. Bake until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean, about 35-to-40 minutes, laying piece of foil lightly over top if it gets too brown. Invert and rest tube on inverted custard cup. Prop pan extensions with crumpled foil to secure pan. Cool completely. When cake is completely cool, use flexible knife to loosen it from sides of pan. Invert onto rack. Keep cake at room temperature 2 days, well covered, or frozen (airtight) as long as 3 months. Be sure to thaw at room temperature in wrapping. Frost. CAPPUCCINO FLUFF FROSTING: Put egg whites, sugar and corn syrup in top of double boiler. Place over simmering water. Immediately use mixer at medium speed to beat ingredients until fluffy, white and warmed through, about 5 minutes. Stir in marshmallows. Once combined, beat at lowest speed until marshmallows are melted and mixture is smooth. Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla, cocoa, espresso and salt. Spread on top and sides of cake. Yield: frosting for 1 10-inch tube cake.

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