
2 c Flour

2 c Sugar

2 ts Soda

2 ts Cinnamon

1 ts Salt

2 Eggs

2 cn Cherries; drain, reserv juic

1 c Nuts

———————————HOT SAUCE——————————— 1 c Sugar

2 tb Flour

Butter 1 ts Almond flavoring

Blend first 5 ingredients together by hand; do not use mixer. Add eggs and cherries; mix until just blended. Add nuts. Pour into 9 x 12 inch pan. Bake in 350 degree oven for about 40 minutes. Hot Sauce: Add sugar and flour to reserved cherry juice; cook over medium heat until thickened. Remove from stove; add small amount butter and almond flavoring. Serve hot over pudding. SOURCE: 1979 New Orleans Times-Picayune Recipe Contest Cookbook Typed for you by Nancy Coleman

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