
3/4 c Cooked AM Amaranth

1/2 c Finely chopped onion

1/4 c Finely chopped bell pepper

1/2 c AM Millet Flour

1 ts Garlic powder

1 c Grated zucchini squash

1/2 ts Chili powder

1 Egg

1 ts Tamari soy sauce

Rinse cooked Amaranth. Mix all ingredients in a medium bowl. Cook over medium high heat. Drop by tablespoon into a preheated skillet which has a non-stick surface or has been lightly oiled. Flatten patties with a spatula and allow to cook on the first side until the patty will stay together well before turning. Brown both sides. Source: Arrowhead Mills “The Native Americans” tri-fold Reprinted by permission of Arrowhead Mills, Inc. Electronic format courtesy of: Karen Mintzias

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