
-Waldine Van Geffen VGHC42A 4 Fish fillets or steaks;about

-6oz ea, 3/4″ thick* 1/4 c Dried tomato bits

1/4 c Lemon juice

2 tb Chopped fresh thyme or

2 ts Dried thyme

4 ts Garlic; minced

x Salt and pepper Preheat oven to 400~. Cut 4 12″ circles from kitchen parchment; fold each circle in half.** Unfold circles and place fish pieces next to folds. Top fish with tomato bits, lemon juice, thyme, garlic, salt and pepper, dividing equally. Refold paper over fish so that cut edges meet. Fold and roll cut edges up all the way around to seal packes securely. Place on baking sheet; bake 10 to 12 minutes until packets are browned and puffed. Transfer to plates; cut open to serve. *Any thick-fleshed fish such as halibut, sea bass and orange roughy. **Aluminum foil may be used in place of kitchen parchment. Cut 4 12″ squares of foil; proceed as with parchment circles, but bake for 12 minutes. Source: The Sonoma Dried Tomato Cookbook (wrv)

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