
1/2 c Heavy cream

1/2 c Sugar

1/4 ts Salt

1 1/4 c Blanched Nuts*, chopped

*(Almonds, Pecans -OR- *Hazelnuts) 1/4 lb Candied Orange Peel

-(store-bought or homemade) – chopped 1/4 c Flour

PREHEAT OVEN TO 325F. Heat cream, sugar and salt together. Place nuts, candied peel and flour in a food processor with the steel blade, and chop coarsely, turning the machine on and off. Stir this into hot ingredients and cook until the mixture thickens, about 2 minutes. Drop by teaspoons, 2 inches apart, on a well-greased cookie sheet. Bake for 12 minutes, until brown around the edges. Cool slightly on sheet. Remove and let cool until crisp.

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