
2 tbsp saute butter, Mrs. Bateman’s Butterlike(tm

1 1/2 c onion — chopped

1 ea red bell pepper — seeded and chopped

1/2 ea green bell pepper — seeded and chopped

1 1/2 tsp garlic — chopped

2 c chicken broth

1 lb red potatoes — cut into 1″ cubes

1/4 tsp white pepper — ground

1/4 tsp cumin — ground

3 1/2 c frozen corn — thawed

1/3 c skim milk — (or more)

1/3 c light cream

Melt butter in a heavy large Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add onion, both bell peppers and garlic and saute until peppers are tender, about 15 minutes. Add broth, potatoes, pepper and cumin. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until potatoes are tender, about 30 minutes.

Puree half of corn in food processor. Add pureed corn, remaining corn, sausage, 1/3 cup milk and cream to chowder. Simmer until flavors are blended, about 20 minutes. Season chowder to taste with salt and more white pepper, if desired.

Can be prepared 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Rewarm over medium heat, stirring frequently and thinning with more milk if necessary.

Revised to reduce fat by Linda Shogren, 5/97

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