
1 lg Head Chinese Cabbage

Salt 4 Green Onion With Tops

1 Garlic Clove

1 Hot Red Chili, Dried

1 ts Ginger Root, Grated Fresh

Cut cabbage in pieces 1 inch long and 1 inch wide. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons salt on cabbage, mix well and let sit 15 minutes. Cut green onions and tops in 1 1/2 inch lengths, then cut again lengthwise into thin slices. Wash salted cabbage three times with cold water; drain and add the onions, garlic, chile, ginger and one tablespoon salt. Cover with water, mix well. Cover container and let stand for a few days. Taste mixture every day. When it is fermented and acid enough, cover and refrigerate up to 2 weeks. Makes one quart.

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