
1/4 c Unsalted butter

2 T Light corn syrup

4 oz Semisweet chocolate; chopped

6 oz Graham crackers; crushed

1/2 c Pitted dates; chopped

1/3 c Preserved stem ginger;chop’d

———————————TO FINISH——————————— Powdered sugar; sifted Melt butter, corn syrup and chocolate in a large bowl placed over a pan of gently simmering water, stirring frequently until well blended. Add graham crackers, dates and ginger to chocolate mixture. Mix thoroughly. Spread evenly in a 9-inch-fluted flan pan with removable bottom, smoothing with the back of a spoon. Refrigerate 1 to 2 hour or until firm. Carefully remove side from pan. Cut mixture in even-sized, wedge-shaped pieces. Using a spatula, carefully loosen cookies from base of pan, sprinkle with powdered sugar, then arrange neatly on a serving plate. Keep refrigerated, or in a cool place, until serving. Can be stored in an airtight container in a cool place for 2 to 3 days. Source: “The Book of Cookies” by Pat Alburey, HP Books.

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