
2 cloves garlic

2 white bread slices

1 cucumber — sliced

1/2 green bell pepper

1/2 cup water

1/4 cup olive oil

2 pounds tomatoes

1/4 cup chopped onions

1/4 cup pimientos — chopped

1 teaspoon salt

black pepper — to taste 2 tablespoons wine vinegar

3 cups vegetable stock, condensed — * see note

1/2 cup fresh herbs — ** see note

* Use low-sodium chicken stock or broth if vegetable stock is not available. ** For herbs, use your choice of chives, parsley, basil, or tarragon. All ingredients should be as fresh as possible.

1. Crush garlic in bowl and add bread which has been torn into small pieces. This helps give the soup consistency. Add sliced cucumber, diced green pepper, water and olive oil. Allow this mixture to marinate for several hours. 2. Add cut-up tomatoes, onions, pimiento and salt to chilled mixture. Blend in blender or food processor until the texture you prefer. Chill thoroughly. 3. Just before serving, mix in vinegar, cold stock and herbs. For added color, flavor and texture, garnish with garlic croutons, watercress or lime slices.

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