
2 lb Broccoli

Salt 3 3/4 c Chicken Stock

1 tb Butter Or Vegetable Oil

1 md Onion, Finely Chopped

2 ts Curry Powder

Pinch Cayenne Pepper 1 tb Cornstarch

2/3 c Whipping Cream

1/2 c Fresh Watercress,

Finely Chopped Cooking Time: 30 Minutes Clean the broccoli and cut it into pieces. Cover with the boiling water with 1 t of salt added and cook for about 15 minutes, until it is tender. Drain, mash and add to the chicken stock in a heavy saucepan. Heat the butter in a separate pan and brown the onion lightly. Add the onion to the stock. In the remaining butter in the pan, fry the curry powder and cayenne to a dark brown. Stir in the cornflour and cook to a smooth paste. Add a little of the stock to this, blending well, and return everything to the saucepan. Allow to simmer for 5 minutes, then press all through a sieve or puree in a blender. Add more salt to taste, if needed. Chill well. Add the chilled cream just before serving. Sprinkle with the chopped watercress.

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