
2 lg Leeks

3 Green onions

2 sm Zucchini

2 sm Carrots

2 Long “seedless type”

-cucumbers 1 Long white radish

2 Wood ear black fungus

1 Egg

1 tb Peanut oil

1/2 c Cooked chicken meat

2 md Tomatoes

SAUCE: 1 ts Juice of ginger root

1 ts Dry mustard

2 ts Sugar

1 1/2 tb Thin soy sauce

1 1/2 tb Sesame oil

1 1/2 ts Chinkiang vinegar

1 tb Freshly squeezed tomato

-juice Prepare Dressing: In mixing bowl, mix mustard & sugar; gradually add thin soy sauce, blend to avoid lumping. Squeeze some peeled ginger root through a garlic press to extract juice. Squeeze juice from tomato. Add other sauce ingredients; stir well and set aside. Prepare salad: Wash, then soak, wood ear fungus in 3 cups warm water for 1 hour. Beat egg; fry very thin omelet in large skillet greased with peanut oil. Fry both sides gently. Set aside to cool. Trim leeks, green onions, zucchini, carrots & white radish. Cut ends off cucumber, but don`t peel. Peel carrots & radish. Shred vegetables with shredder or cleaver. Wash tomatoes & cut each into eighths. Shred chicken with fingers. Thinly slice omelet into strips. Pour boiling water over fungus & drain. Cut out hard center & cut floppy ears into thin strips. Finish: Layer shredded vegetables in center of serving plate, mounding slightly as you build layers of cucumber, carrot, chicken, fungus, zucchini, egg, leeks, radish, green onion & so on, ending with cucumber. Arrange tomatoe wedge around outer edge. Working from center of vegetable mound, arrange egg strips like spokes of a wheel. Add dressing and serve.

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