
9 oz Frozen artichoke hearts

2 c Italian salad dressing

3 c Cooked, cubed chicken

1/3 c Sliced water chestnuts

1/4 c Slivered green olives

1 tb Soy sauce

2 tb Butter

1/2 c Pecan halves

1 pn Mixed vegetable seasoning

3/4 c Diced celery

Cook artichoke according to package directions; drain. Combine with salad dressing, chicken, water chestnuts, olives, and soy sauce. Cover and refrigerate at least 3 hours. Melt butter; add pecans and cook over low heat, stirring constantly until nuts begin to brown. Drain nuts and sprinkle with vegetable seasoning; cool. Drain any liquid from chicken mixture. Add celery just before serving. Serve on lettuce leaves and garnish with pecans.

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