
4 oz Firm tofu

1 tb Garlic, minced

1 tb Onion, minced

1/4 ts Oregano

1 ts Tamari sauce

1 tb Rice vinegar

1 c Cubed vegetables of choice

To drain tofu, line a plate with paper towels, placew tofu on top of plate & cover with more towels. Press with a good weight fpr 10 minutes. Then cut into 2″ cubes. place cubes in a bowl with garlic, onion, oregano & tamari sauce & vinegar. Let marinate, stirring frequently for 30 minutes or more. Pre-heat broiler or grill. Skewer vegetables, adding tofu cubes alternately. Broil or grill till lightly browned & heated through. “Vegetarian Times” September, 1990

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