
1 ea Pumpkin

6 tb Oil

2 ea Onions, chopped

2 cl Garlic, chopped

2 ea Celery stalks, chopped

1 ea Green pepper, chopped

1 lb Mushrooms, chopped

1 c Cooked, chopped spinach

4 c Cooked rice

Salt & pepper 1 ts Sage

3/4 ts Thyme

1/2 ts Rosemary

1/2 ts Basil

1/2 ts Oregano

Wash pumpkin and slice off top as you would for a jack-o’-lantern. Scoop out seeds and rinse inside of pumpkin. Heat oil and saute onions, garlic, celery, green pepper and mushrooms for 10 minutes. Combine with remaining ingredients and place in pumpkin. Replace lid so it si not tightly sealed. BAke at 350F in baking dish with 1 inch water for approximately 1 1/2 hours, or until pumpkin flesh is soft. Source: The Harrowsmith Cookbook, Volume Three — ~– WM v3.10/91-0126 * Origin: Doctor On Board: Niagara’s Medical Host 905-937-1907 (1:247/101)

=========================================================================== BBS: DomTech OS/2 Date: 12-06-93 (10:49) Number: 245 From: GERRY DENNIS Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Stuffed Pumpkin Conf: (6) Cooking

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