
***** NONE *****

4 leeks julienned, white only

1 TB clarified butter or neutral

: oil 1/3 c mirin

: Salt and pepper to taste 1 TB whole butter

4 salmon paillards, 3 ounces

ea 4 sheets nori

2 c rice flour

: Soda water : Vegetable oil for frying : Toasted sesame seeds for : garnish : Gari, pickled ginger for : garnish Heat pan and saute leeks. Do not caramelize, keep them white. Deglaze with mirin and reduce all liquid. Toss in butter and check for seasoning. Lay salmon paillard to cover 2/3 of nori sheet. Lay cooled leeks on salmon and roll. Save 1/4 of the leeks for plate up. In a stainless steel bowl, whisk soda water into rice flour until a paint consistency is achieved. Heat oil to 375 degrees. Dip roll into tempura and fry until golden brown. The salmon should end up medium rare at most! Recipe By : Chef du Jour DJ 9306 Serving Size

: From: Minnie@juno.Com (Louise M Mccartndate: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 14:13:45 Pst

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