
3 lb Chicken, cut into serving

-pieces with loose skin -and fat discarded 1 Garlic clove; chopped fine

1 ts Fresh ginger; minced

1 md Onion; chopped

1/2 ts Ground turmeric

1 ts Salt, or to taste

1 tb Light or dark raisins

12 Almonds; blanched in boiling

-water, skinned, and halved -lengthwise 1 1/2 c ;Water

3 tb Lemon juice; or to taste

1. In a pan, place all the ingredients except the lemon juice. Broil to a

boil over moderate heat. Cover and cook for 20 minutes. 2. Uncover the pan. Tilt the pan slightly and briskly stir the sauce with

a wooden spoon to break up the onion pieces. Continue to cook for 15 minutes. Add the lemon juice and cook for 10 minutes more, or until chicken is tender and the sauce has thickened. Serve warm. Makes 6 servings with rice and other dishes. Recipe: “Sephardic Cooking” by Copeland Mark — 600 Recipes Created in Exotic Sephardic Kitchens from Morocco to India — Copyright 1992 Published by Donald I. Fine, Inc., New York, N.Y.

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