
4 lg Chicken legs including

-thighs, boned, cut into -1/2-inch pieces 1 Egg, slightly beaten

1/2 tb Vegetable oil

1/2 tb Cornstarch

Vegetable oil ———————————-SAUCE 1———————————- 2 Green onions, trimmed to 4

-inches 1 1/2 tb Light soy sauce

1 1/2 tb Mushroom soy sauce

1 1/2 tb Rice wine or dry sherry

2 1/2 Inch thick pieces fresh

-ginger, peeled Grinding of fresh pepper 3 tb Chicken bouillon

1 ts Brown sugar

1 tb Cornstarch

———————————-SAUCE 2———————————- 1 ts Rice or cider vinegar

1/2 tb Chili paste (more, if you

-like hot food) 1 ts Sesame oil (optional)

DIRECTIONS: In a medium bowl, combine the chicken with the egg, oil, and cornstarch. In a blender or food processor, or by hand, combine the ingredients for Sauce 1. In a small bowl, combine the ingredients for Sauce 2. Place the measured ingredients beside the wok in the order in which they are to be placed in the wok. Warm 2 serving dishes, one lined with paper towel, in a 250=A1 oven. Fill the wok to a depth of 1 1/2 to 2 inches with vegetable oil. Heat the oil to high (400=A1), or until a day-old cube of bread browns in just under 1 minute. Heat another 4 minutes to stabilize the temperature. Put the chicken pieces into the oil one at a time until all are in. Stir-fry 3 minutes. Remove the pieces from the oil, draining well over the wok, and keep warm in the oven on the paper-lined dish. Empty the oil from the wok. Reduce the heat to medium (350=A1) and stir in Sauce 1. As soon as it bubbles, stir in the chicken. Sprinkle Sauce 2 over the chicken, stir-fry 1 minute more, then turn into the serving dish. Scrape the sauce over the chicken and serve at once.

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