
2 md Onions, peeled

2 c [nonfat] plain yoghurt

1 Lemon juice or rice vineger

1 Sugar

1 Pepper to taste

2 tb Ground cumin seeds

2 tb Ground coriander seeds

1 ts Garam masala

1/2 To 3/4 tsp cayanne pepper or

Chili paste 2 ts Fresh ground ginger and

Garlic paste 1 Chopped cilantro to taste

1/2 ts Turmeric

Liquify in blender. Simmer until thickened slightly and flavor is set. Use as a marinade for kabobs or any meat or fish. Very good with rice. Posted by MACzimum to AOL. From the recipe files of Sue Smith, SueSmith9@aol.com. Formatted using 1.80?


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