
2 c Unbleached flour

3/4 c Brown sugar, firmly packed

1 tb Baking powder

1 ts Herb salt (optional)

1/2 ts Baking soda

1/2 ts Cinnamon

1/2 ts Nutmeg

1 c Chopped nuts

1 Egg, beaten

1 c Applesauce

1 ts Dried mint OR

1/4 c Chopped fresh mint

1/4 c Oil

Mix the dry ingredients and nuts together in a mixing bowl. Combine the egg, applesauce, mint, and oil; add to the dry ingredients and stir until just blended. Pour the batter into a greased loaf pan and bake in a 350 oven for about 50 minutes. Cool on a rack. When the bread is completely cool, wrap in plastic or foil. Back of the Beyond 7233 Lower East Hill Road

Colden, New York 14033 (716) 652-0427 Source: Country Inn and Bed & Breakfast Cookbook by Kitty & Lucian Maynard The Chef’s Comments: “I got this great new cookbook the other night – “Country Inn and bed & Breakfast Cookbook” It features over 500 B&B’s around the country, and a couple of recipes from each. Lots of great cakes, muffins & quickbreads in there. Not to mention actual dinners. It makes me want to go away for a weekend… This recipe sounds very unusual, but it’s suprisingly good. Not delicious, really, but good.” – Lisa From: Lisa Date: 07-31-96 (18:07) The Polka Dot Cottage, a BBS with a taste of home. 1-201-822-3627.

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