
2 tb Unsalted butter

4 Turkey cutlets, 3/8-in.

-thick 4 sl Prosciutto, folded in half,

-or 2 Thin slices boiled ham,

-halved 4 sl Muenster cheese

8 Fresh sage leaves,

-julienned In large skillet, melt butter over medium-high heat. Sprinkle cutlets with l/8 tsp pepper; add to hot butter, pepper side down. Cook 1 minute. Turn over; top with prosciutto, cheese and sage. Cover; cook 1 minute or until cheese melts. Makes 4 servings. Per serving: 1Z8 calories, 8 g protein, o carbohydrate, 11 g fat, 40 mg cholesterol, z95 mg sodium. From the files of Al Rice, North Pole Alaska. Feb 1994

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