
1/2 c Shortening

2 c Flour

1 t Salt

3/4 t Baking powder

3/4 c Water (approximate)

4 c Chicken, cooked, cut up

1 c Cream of chicken soup

1 c Dairy sour cream

4 oz Green chilies,can, chopped

1/2 c Onion, finely chopped

2 c Monterrey jack cheese grated

1/4 c Sliced green onions w/ tops

y browned. Add mushrooms; cook until tender, stirring often. Stir in until tender, stirring often. Stir in wine, salt, pepper, paprika, Stir in wine, salt, pepper, paprika, nutmeg, and mace. Cover frypan pepper, paprika, nutmeg, and mace. Cover frypan and cook over low frypan and cook over low heat 15 minutes. Off the heat, add the

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