
4 small firm ripe pears

1 lemon — cut in half

2 ounces imported gorgonzola — or other high

— quality blue cheese 2 tablespoons unsalted butter — softened

2 tablespoons crushed walnuts — pistachio or pine

— nuts

Carefully peel the pears, leaving the stems attached. Cut in half lengthwise an d scoop out the seeds, along with a scant tablespoon of pulp out of each half. Rub with the lemon juice to prevent discoloration. Cream the Gorgonzola and the butter together in a small bowl until they are soft and fluffy. Fill the hollo ws of the pear halves with the cheese mixture and carefully stick the two halve s of the pears back together again. Roll the pears in the crushed nuts, and chi ll for 2 hours, until the cheese is firm.

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