
2 c Cranberries

1/2 c Granulated sugar

1/2 c Brown sugar

Juice of 2 oranges Grated rind of 1 orange 2 Whole star anise

1 1/2 c Whipping cream

Orange rind for garnish Mint sprigs for garnish (From “Gooey Desserts, the Joy of Decadence”) Combine all ingredients except cream and garnishes in a saucepan. Heat to a boil over medium heat, stirring now and then to prevent sticking. Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, for 20 minutes. Chill. Cranberry sauce may be stored in refrigerator as long as 1 week. Whip cream in a cold bowl with cold beaters, to stiff peaks. To make ahead, put cream into a cheesecloth-lined wire mesh strainer set over a bowl. Refrigerate, covered. May be prepared as much as 6 hours ahead of serving. To serve, fold 3/4 cup of the chilled cranberry sauce, leaving streaks, into the whipped cream. Spoon into a stemmed serving dish. Garnish with orange rind and mint.

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