
1/2 c Black Pepper

6 tb Dark Caraway Seeds

2 1/2 tb Ground Cinnamon

1/2 c Coriander

2 1/2 tb Ground Cloves

2 tb Cardamom Seeds

Pick over the ingredients and remove any husks or strawy bits. Grind together in a blender or finely adjusted coffee grinder. Do not make the mixture too fine. Stor in an airtight container and keep for use in the recipes. NOTE: This Garam masala is fragrant and strong. Its robust flavour goes well with meat, fried and braised foods. Try it sprinkled on fried potatoes, with a pinch of tumeric. Sprinkle a lttle on yogurt, sour cream and curd cheeses. From How To Make Good Curries by Helen Lawson Copyright 1973

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