
4 Boneless, skinless chicken

-breast halves (about 1 -pound) 1 tb Margarine or butter

1 tb Water

1 Jar (4 1/2 ounces) strained

-peas (baby food) 2/3 c Cranberries

2 c Hot cooked brown rice

1 Green onion (with top),

-sliced (about I -tablespoon) 2 tb Crumbled feta cheese (1

-ounce) Heat margarine in 10-inch skillet until hot. Cook chicken in margarine until brown on both sides. Add water. Spoon pears over chicken. Heat to boiling; reduce heat. Cover and simmer 10 minutes. Sprinkle cranberries over chicken. Cover and simmer about 5 minutes longer or until chicken is done. Serve with rice. Sprinkle with onion and cheese. 4 servings.

Nutrition Information Per Serving 1 serving Percent of U.S. RDA

Calories 370 Protein 66% Protein, 9 43 Vitamin A 6% Carbohydrate, 9 29 Vitamin C 12% Fat, 9 8 Thiamin 14% Cholesterol, mg 105 Riboflavin 14% Sodium, mg 230 Niacin 93% Potassium, mg 520 Calcium 6% Iron 10% From the files of Al Rice, North Pole Alaska. Feb 1994

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