
———————————–PASTRY———————————– 50 g Wholemeal flour

50 g Plain white flour

1/4 ts Salt

50 g Margerine

———————————-FILLING———————————- 1/2 Peeled and chopped onion

1 tb Oil

1/2 Crushed garlic clove

1/2 tb Ground coriander

1/2 ts Ground cumin

50 g Peeled and diced potato

50 g Peeled and diced carrots

210 g Chick peas

Salt Pepper Filling. 1. Fry the onion in the oil for 5 minutes and add the garlic, spices,

carrot and potato. Cook for ten minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. 2. Add the chick peas and season with the salt and pepper. Leave to cool

down. 3. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/GM6.

Pastry: 1. Sift the flours and salt into a large bowl. Add the margerine and

rub into the flour with your hands until the mixture is like bread- crumbs. 2. Add the cold water and press the mixture together to form a dough.

Turn out onto a floured board and divide into 2 equal pieces. 3. Take out one piece of the dough and knead lightly, pressing it into a

round shape. 4. Roll it into a circle about 15cm across. Put 1/2 of the vegetable

mixture on top and fold into a pasty type shape and press the edges together. 5. Pierce a couple of holes in the top and bake for 20 minutes or until

crisp. This recipe is also nice with filo pastry, or the samosa packets you can buy. If you use filo pastry remember to brush the outside with some melted margerine or butter to prevent sticking.

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