
1/2 lb Mushrooms, sliced

4 tb Margarine

Salt & pepper 2 tb Sweet wine or sherry

1 sm Onion, chopped

1 ea Garlic clove, minced

2 tb Olive oil

1 1/2 c Long grain rice

1 md Breen bell pepper, diced

4 md Tomatoes, chopped

3 c Hot water

3 ea Whole cloves

1 ea Bay leaf

1 ds Cayenne

Parsley for garnish Saute mushrooms in 2 tb margarine for a few minutes. Add salt & pepper. Cover & remove from heat. Saute the onion & garlic in the oil & remaining margarine. Raise heat a little & add the rice, stirring till well coated. Add green pepper, tomatoes, hot water, cloves, bay leaf, cayenne, mushrooms & stir. Cover, reduce heat & simmer for 15 minutes. Add wine after about 10 minutes. Remove cloves & bay leaf & sprinkle with parsley before

serving. Vera Gewanter, “A Passion for Vegetables”

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