

1 c Butter; don’t use margarine

1 c LIGHT brown sugar; not dark

12 oz Chocolate chips

1 c Nuts; chopped, YOUR choice

This recipe was given to me by a dear friend…who has impeccable taste, in cooking and friends, ! Line up the saltines on a jelly roll pan that has been LINED with FOIL that makes a bigger rim then the pan. There should be 5 rows of 8. Melt butter and add LIGHT brown sugar. Stir often and bring to a full rolling boil for EXACTLY 3 minutes. Pour over the saltines and bake in a 400 oven for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with chocolate chips and wait until they are almost melted; spread over all the saltines. Drop the nuts over top as evenly as possible. Refrigerate for two hours and then break up into pieces. Can be stored in a tin. Aunt Betty says that you don’t have to worry about storing..they’ll NEVER last. I am going to try these next week.

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