
8 oz Natural Swiss cheese,diced

8 oz Gruyere cheese,diced

2 tb Flour

1 Clove garlic,halved

2 c Dry white wine

1 tb Lemon juice

3 tb Kirsch

French bread,1″ cubes Place cheese in plastic bag; sprinkle with flour. Toss until cheese is coated. Rub cut clove of garlic on bottom and side of 3-quart saucepan; add wine. Heat over low heat just until bubbles rise to surface (wine must not boil). Stir in lemon juice; add cheese, about 1/2 cup at a time, stirring constantly with wooden spoon. Stir until cheese is melted. Stir in kirsch. Pour into ceramic fondue pot over low heat. Use long-handled forks to spear bread cubes; then dip and swirl in fondue with stirring motion. NOTE: The Swiss cheese should be aged at least 6 months.

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