
6 Eggs, separated/room temp

1 c Granulated sugar

1/4 c Almond powder (OR

1 ts Almond extract)

1 tb Honey

1 1/2 c All purpose flour

1 1/2 ts Baking powder

1/4 ts Salt

1/2 ts Baking soda

4 tb Milk

2 tb Melted butter, cooled

(OR peanut oil) In bowl, sift flour, baking powder and salt; set aside. In another bowl, beat egg whites until stiff. With electric mixer, beat egg yolks; gradually blend in sugar and almond powder. Cream mixture until smooth, about 5 minutes. Add honey (and almond extract). Mix together milk, baking soda and cooled melted butter; add to egg yolk mixture. Gradually add sifted flour mixture. When batter is thoroughly blended, quickly but gently fold in egg whites. Steaming: Before mixing, bring water in steamer to boil. Grease bottom only of 9″ round flat-bottom, high-sided bowl (or tube pan, bundt pan or cupcake tins). Pour batter into bowl. Steam for 1 hour. Best served steaming hot, cake can always be resteamed without suffering.

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