
———————————–CRUST———————————– 1 pk Graham crackers; powdered

4 tb Butter

1/8 c Brown sugar

———————————CHEESECAKE——————————— 32 oz Cream cheese

1/8 c Brown sugar

3/4 c Sugar

1 1/8 c Sour cream

1/4 c Flour

1 ts Vanila

4 Eggs; large

1/4 ts Ginger

1/4 ts Cinnamon

3 Jalepenos; medium size

———————————-TOPPING———————————- 1/2 c Sour cream

1/8 c Sugar

2 Eggs; large

Combine all crust ingredients; press into the bottom of a 10 inch spring form pan; bake for 10 minutes at 350f; cool Beat the cream cheese and sour cream until smooth; add all other cheese cake ingredients slowly, beating after each addition until smooth; pour onto crust; bake 1 hour at 225f. Combine all topping ingredients; whip to a froth; pour over cheesecake; bake 15 minutes at 300f. Cool slowly; chill before serving Garnish with whipped topping or fruit as desired. NOTE: It is supposed to be a little mushy when done rather than solid like most cheesecakes, however if you prefer a “normal” cheesecake raise the temp about 25 degrees and cook a little longer. The original recipe called for serving warmed (nuked), I like it chilled with “Union Grill Strawberry Sauce” on top

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